This is what happens after decades of lying.

For my entire life, We the People have tolerated lies from our politicians, bureaucrats, media and - most damning - ourselves.
From the Bay of Pigs, to the Gulf of Tonkin, from Watergate to Iran-Contra. From "Read my lips, no new taxes." to "I did not have sex with that woman" to "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor."
Bill Clinton famously equivocated about the meaning of the word "IS". And - though we rolled our eyes - we tolerated it because he was so charming.

We knew he was a liar and (probably) a rapist, yet we tolerated it because he said pretty words and played the saxophone on TV.
Now here we are - a generation after arguing about the meaning of the word "IS" - watching a cadre of low-level bureaucrats work to steal an election in front of our eyes.

Yes, they are really doing it.

Our Republic is almost dead.
We deserve this.

We've tolerated utter bullshit from politicians, media, bureaucrats and ourselves for decades.

We tolerated these "deep state" liars who now subvert the will of the electorate.

The lies have finally caught up with us.
We sowed the wind and in truly biblical fashion we are reaping the whirlwind.

There is hell to pay.

Is there a way out of this mess?

Yes, and it is painful.
1. Accept responsibility. . We made this bed. Now we must lay in it.

2. Starting right now, resolve to tell the truth all the time about everything. Resolve to tolerate no lies at any time for any reason about anything.
You can make a difference.

Make this promise to yourself:

"I will tell no more lies, ever again. I will tolerate no more lies, ever again."

Lying is easy in the moment, and hell in the end.

This is the end.
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