<thread> On Levin's tweet.

Here's the likely cockamamie strategy and why it should be doomed to fail.

Trump-Giuliani-Levin strategy:

Step 1: Try to delegitimize vote count in PA and elsewhere — no matter how much thinking people know their allegations are really bonkers.
Step 2: Try to gin up public outrage that resonates with the Trump base — even if the outrage is internally contradictory ('count the vote' in AZ, 'stop the count' in PA) and based on lies.
Step 3: When race is PROPERLY called for Biden in PA and elsewhere, the Levin cabal tries to put immense pressure (via Trump's outraged base) on PA Republican Legislature to select Trump electors on the (false) claim that the vote count was fraudulent

They're doomed to fail...
This cockamamie idea is doomed to fail for many reasons.

Among others, state and federal courts' already finding against their truly ludicrous allegations against the vote count.

Plus a fundamentally flawed view of how the electoral system works.
Here's how the electoral system actually works.

From professor @jgeltzer 👇 https://twitter.com/jgeltzer/status/1324417602299613185
And here's from the expert who wrote THE book on the electoral college, @jessewegman 👇 https://twitter.com/jessewegman/status/1324419043999256580
National Task Force on Election Crises report blows Levin idea out of the water.

Even well-grounded claims of vote counting problems would not allow Legislature to select Trump electors.

@ElectionTask is highly respected cross-partisan expert group.

I have highlighted, thus far, some of the legal arguments. But on top of them are the political realities.

Here's Karl Rove throwing cold water on the Giuliani cabal's claims of election fraud.

(via @rickhasen)
In addition to Karl Rove, professor Jonathan Turley (yes, that pro-Trump Turley in the impeachment hearings) was on Fox News Wednesday night also throwing cold water on Giuliani et al's factual allegations and legal claims.👇 https://twitter.com/rgoodlaw/status/1324138898835054593
You can follow @rgoodlaw.
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