We didn’t win and that hurts but I’m here to say there’s a lot of good news from the Texas 10th.

For all of you who helped us win over 186,000 votes—far more than any Democrat has ever won here—here’s some of the progressive change we helped push forward in #TX10.

2/ Electing a Progressive District Attorney in Travis!

Jose Garza ( @JoseGarza) is part of the national movement for criminal justice reform. He’s serious about reframing the conversation about public safety, ending the “War on Drugs,” and so much more. https://www.texasobserver.org/jose-garza-redefines-progressive-prosecutor/
7/ Flipping a Waller County Commission Seat

Kendric Jones ( @KendricD_Jones) is the youngest Commissioner in Texas!

A champion of voting rights & @PVAMU students, he's joined by new PV Mayor @BRowlandSpeaks & Councilmen @PoeticalWallace & @justonate.

The future is bright!
10/ Planting Seeds for the Future

After 3 years on the campaign trail, working across nine counties, I’m only more optimistic about our future.

Texas is building a progressive base, starting at the local level. We’ll keep doing the work. Thank you for your love and solidarity.
You can follow @SiegelForTexas.
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