in my experience the left of modern chinese politics by generation looks like this:
- the boomer generation, which is immensely patriotic (esp. veterans) & proud of china's 20th century growth, anti-japan & anti-us sentiment is strong. bitter sent-down youth & those (1/)
harmed by the GPCR emigrated later to the west but those whose lives were improved are mostly still in china. much of the elderly left were educated with very textbook notions of ML, and reminisce about the mao era - this bloc is actually pretty big, many of the (2/)
largest maoist forums & websites in china are censored by the current govt and rely basically on elderly donations to survive.
- IMO gen x is mostly a barren wasteland, many of the chinese entrepreneur/business class were nurtured on the reformist climate they grew up in. (3/)
most members of this gen aren't leftists but liberals, including the liberalising partisans of the tiananmen incident. many chinese immigrants in the us today were part of the brain drain wave, & most are libs as well. and in china, many gen xrs fervently justify SWCC. (4/)
- millennial/gen z members are often generic libs or CPC supporters as well, but there's a definite wave of genuine leftism increasing, especially among students. a lot of them desire a return to the days of 'real socialism' as well, except they never actually experienced it (5/)
, much like many american socialists). most are still maoist adjacent/inspired, but there are a lot of trots and some libcom types as well. their online presence is also huge, mostly on video sharing & social media (like weibo) sites (forums are often the domain of boomers (6/)
IME.) in contrast to boomers, the kids are more in touch with/likely to be supportive of progressive 'social' positions (like LGBT issues), & are more likely to urge internationalism. (7)
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