1. Opinion time. Frankly it's been dismaying and humiliating to really see how rickety and unreliable our voting system is.
The whole idea of a polling station is that a citizen has to get off his goddamned ass and physically go to a poll to vote.
2. You should PHYSICALLY have to go to some place to vote. That way the voting can be monitored and collated with speed, accuracy, and reliability.
3. In my view, "mail-in" voting should be reserved only for special circumstances, such as overseas military, people seriously ill, or those incarcerated. It should not be general practice. If someone is too much of a limp-dick to get his ass to a voting station...
4. ....on time, an in person, then he shouldn't fucking vote. That's it. I don't buy the whole, "It's too hard for me, blah, blah blah." Even internet voting would be more reliable than mail-in. If we can bank online, why can't we vote online?
5. Bottom line: no valid reason to have mass mail-in voting. None at all. It all comes back to our culture's chickenshitism and weakness, in trying to accommodate worthless sacks of shit who are too lazy or too scared to leave their houses.
6. So as a consequence, we look like a bunch of amateurs. A bunch of disorganized amateurs. So humiliating. And it's all because no one has the guts to say, "No mail-in. You get your ass to a polling station, and shut your mouth."
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