"Your thoughts create your reality," "You become what you think," "Receive what you believe," "Think and grow rich," "Feel your intention to make it reality," "Manifest what you want...." These are case-in-point delusions in which delusion is the cause of all suffering. A thread.
No, you cannot create your reality. Reality is reality. You can only create an illusional reality with the mind. This is what the Dhammapada means by "Mind precedes experience, mind is foremost, [experience is] mind-made." Living from conditioned beliefs of the mind is suffering.
The mind appears to create reality but it's only your perception of reality - not reality itself. A "pure mind" is a clear mind (or 'no mind') which clears the way to your natural logic and intelligence beyond mental programming. Now you're in reality, which is the bliss of life.
And no, the world is not an illusion. Your beliefs ABOUT the world are an illusion. Do you have to believe the sky is blue for it to be blue? Of course not. You can experience life directly and know what is. This is why all beliefs are illusions and you don't believe them anyway.
Before the magazines said you had to look a certain way, were you insecure about your body image? Before the movies taught you to be sad and afraid of death, did that keep you from living? Did you worship money, possessions, celebrities, and over consume...? The mind is not real.
The mind doesn't actually exist but the natural logic and emotions of a healthy human brain keeps you safe, calm, and happy. Sure, there's some pain in reality but you pull your hand off the burner the second you get burned and never do it again. Reality is the only bliss.
Enlightenment is nothing more than authentic common sense and everybody has it. But the human collective has drifted far away from true being. This makes enlightenment seem difficult or impossible but that's only a perception. It's far easier to be your natural, enlightened self!
About manifesting, there is no actual manifesting which implies a future. You might notice it's always NOW. There's only experiencing your existence in true, natural form in the here and now. Reality is everything you could ever want plus more. But you will have to be as you are.
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