Haikyuu characters that have a crush on Atsumu and why: a thread
Before I start thanks @AtsumuHarem for submitting basically all of the names ahah and @thkuforthvenom for your little contribution ahaha

It's in the little silent things Atsumu does everyday. But moast of all, it's his hands: the way he takes care of his nails, how he exasperatedly cards his fingers through his hair when no one laughs at his silly jokes
the position said fingers take under the volley ball befor setting in right where Sakusa needs it, right where he wants it.
It's in the way Sakusa starts thinking about those hands
He thought Miya Atsumu was not the setter he was looking for. Ushijima has always believed in strength and a bit of luck, Miya Atsumu is a mess of loose threads. He can't be the one. There's no way he is the one.
That's what he believed in.
Until *he* was the one on the other end of his toss. In that moment he felt it: hunger for more.
It made him hungry too
At first Atsumu Miya confuses him (wth does goody-two-shoes mean??)
Kageyama has never been good at learning, but he starts observing, he starts understanding what it means to be attracted to chaos. And for the first time in his life he finds himself eager to learn more.
Atsumu is obnoxious as hell, but that's ok cause Kuroo knows the steps to this intricate coreography. It starts as banter, but soon it becomes *their* rhythm and then *their* passionate dance. And none of them wants to be left behind.
Kuroo ultimately falls in love with Atsumu's stupid smirks and his stupid comebacks and the stupid curve of his mouth. He keeps wondering about all the ways those lips could ruin a man....
Atsumu keeps challenging him at arm wrestling and he is too competitive to say no. He enjoys the look on his face everytime Iwaizumi bangs his arm on the table (he's becoming stronger tho). Sometimes Atsumu tries to distract him.
Today he says "Haji-kun, ya really love holding my hand, dont'cha?"
Iwaizumi still wins, but later he thinks...maybe Atsumu's right
They say setters who went to nationals are really strong, then how come this one is a complete clown? Miya Atsumu is one of the most annoying people he has ever met, he hates his big bright smiles and those sleepy brown-gold eyes and his teasing attitude
So that day he bites back "You want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid"
When Atsumu does kiss him, Oikawa thinks he wouldn't have minded him lingering a bit more
They are roommates at the Olympic village. Atsumu has always loved silence. Hoshiumi is LOUD in everything he does. Atsumu kisses him to shut him up and Hoshiumi can do nothing but become a blushing mess.
He stays quiet for the rest of the day.
Kita has always felt the need to take care of Atsumu, but the thing that surprises him more than anything is they way Atsumu takes care of the team: his tosses always so considerate, the change of clothes he sometimes brings for his brother cause Osamu tends to forget,
the massage he gave to Aran when his back was sore. The tape he applied on Kita's own fingers when they got a little hurt while trying to block. He thinks he doesn't mind Atsumu taking care of him. He thinks Atsumu would become a good captain
Bokuto is done with being spoiled by his team, he is a normal ace now, he doesn't need his teammates to carry his weight on their shoulders. But he finds himself wanting more of Atsumu's soothing touch on his back, his hands on his hips,
his fingers through his hair when, during breaks, Bokuto lies on the bench and rests his head on Atsumu's thigh. Maybe, if it's Atsumu, Bokuto could get used to being spoiled again
Kodzuken goes live with his friends sometimes, and Atsumu makes an appearance in some of those videos. But lives can be exhausting, especially the ones together with a team as chaotic as the black jackals. Kenma falls asleep while his guests are saying something.
A gentle tug wakes him up, he opens his eyes to realize his house is empty now, except for Atsumu, who decided to stay a while longer, cause he had noticed the tired look in hus eyes (he says his brother, too, could sleep everywhere and that he stayed to make sure he rests well)
He has to practically carry him to bed koala style. And Kenma can't help but feel how warm Atsumu's chest feels against him. He asks him to be part of his next live too
He had always associated Miya Atsumu with his doubts and insecurities. But growing up he learnt how to find himself, how to be proud of who he is, how to work hard for what he wants. And right now he desperstely wants food. But he is visiting Bokuto at the bj gym today,
food will have to wait. Or so he thought. Cause when Miya Atsumu hears his stomach growl loudly he wordlessly offers him an onigiri.
"Is this one of your brother's?" Akaashi asked.
"No, I made it myself" Atsumu smiled.
Akaashi took a bite.
It tasted good. It tasted so good.
And in the past he had associated Miya Atsumu with his doubts and insecurities, he never thought he could look at him and feel his stomach melt with happiness
It's about waiting. Hinata never forgets about the finger pointed at him, the burning fire in the eyes of a defeated, a promise spoken with the same certainty the earth orbits around the sun. And he waits. And works on getting stronger.
Because he knows Miya Atsumu is working hard too. They will meet again. And when they do Hinata will be ready. Because that was a promise, but also a challenge. Hinata can't wait to meet those eyes again and see how bright they've become.
Suna initially thought he had a crush on Osamu, the less annoying and less loud twin. It took him months to understand it was actually Atsumu. That's why he started looking at him from the corner of his sharp eye.
And Suna wanted, he wanted Atsumu's hand to linger a little too long on his shoulder, wanted to see that sly smile of his when he talked shit about Osamu, wanted to rest his head in the crook of his neck.
Maybe it's always been Atsumu. Atsumu, who tosses the ball in the right place for Suna to move the less possible but spike perfectly, Atsumu who is looking for Kita-san's weakness too, Atsumu who, in his own way, can manipulate the other team's block.
Now Suna wants more.
End of thread. I hope this can be y'alls Atsumu simp awakening
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