1. I’d like to know if @WillBaldet regards me as an extremist. Simple yes or no will suffice.
2. If someone triggers you - in this case by QT’ing you with a “LOL” - then the correct response for a senior PREVENT officer is to block said individual not attempt to doxx them. I’m blocked by a couple of PREVENT accounts. Fine by me. That’s what block is for.
3. What safeguards are in place regarding data privacy? What prevents senior PREVENT officials who likely have access to CT databases and perhaps even intelligence sources from leaking people’s private information out of petty spite (e.g when annoyed on Twitter)?
4. On what basis did he make the association between my Twitter account and the individual he named? Could he explain his reasoning? Making reckless claims can carry serious consequences for people. What processes are being put in place to avoid a repetition of such behaviour?
5. His behaviour, epitomises PREVENT. In a word, fostering a climate of fear. Speak out too loud and "we know where you live" or "we've marked your card". Back in the 70s and 80s thousands upon thousands of socialists and trade unionists had their lives destroyed due to a...
...a government programme of "blacklisting". Employers were supplied lists of of those with political beliefs deemed "subversive". Many found it impossible to find work. Some committed suicide in despair. See the @DaveBlacklist account for more details.
6. Many Muslims are terrified of PREVENT. There is no accountability. If you are referred to PREVENT - even if there is no further action - what happens to your details? Is there a blacklist of "troublesome Muslims"? Many Muslim university students are very worried.
7. Will Baldet is a pathetic individual and his behaviour yesterday is a reminder of why the whole CT industry needs abolition. Terrorism will never be defeated by delegating authority to petty minded clowns like him.
8. If you are Muslim, or even if you are not, please, please, please, think about contributing to @UK_CAGE. Every little bit helps. A small organisation but they've achieved a huge amount in these part few years. Details for donation are on their website.
9. If somehow my true identity does come out...then idiots like Will Baldet can rest assured that slinking off and hiding is the last thing I will do. Expect my anti-PREVENT activism to skyrocket.
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