If people could stop attacking small businesses that would be helpful. Those windows are really expensive and businesses are already hurting. It's turning people away that actively would support the movement that you need for things like bail funds, mutual aid and other causes.
Muslim small businesses have been attacked and people have attempted to loot from them. Muslims are natural allies, they know oppression, but instead there's people who want to destroy that cross solidarity. It needs to stop.
You can be an ally to small businesses and fight police misconduct, they don't have to be mutually exclusive. In fact, the two should be empowering each other.
Instead of empowering small businesses, through breaking their windows you're empowering the Portland Business Alliance. I can tell you most of those business owners would prefer to stand with the people, but a small group of people is not making that easy.
The PBA is swooping into save them, with the PPA at their side. Do you see what you're doing? You're empowering your enemies and losing allies.
In short, destroying the windows of small businesses is self-defeating.
One other note - don't attack religious institutions either. Shame on you.
One POC Muslim business owner told us at that "I support the movement, why are they attacking me?" I can tell you this owner really cares about taking care of people, and because of that attitude our chapter frequents his business. It would be a shame for him to close.
Also, some of this behavior is triggering for Muslim business owners who escaped war to come here to find peace and start a new life. Breaking their windows is not trauma informed.
By the way, the reason why I'm telling you this story rather than the business owners is because they didn't want to take away from the movement.
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