In North Carolina, there are currently 40,766 provisional ballots.

Provisional ballots will be counted if election officials can confirm the voter's eligibility to vote. 1/

#ElectionResults2020 #NCPol
If the voter was eligible to vote and if the provisional ballot was cast in the proper precinct, the ballot will be counted in its entirety.

If it was cast in the incorrect precinct, the voter’s vote will be counted in every race in which the voter is eligible to vote. 2/
Voters would use a provisional ballot if they believe they are properly registered to vote but election officials couldn't find the voter's name on roll, or are a 1st time
voter w/out adequate identification when they registered.

Voters also sometimes vote with a provisional ballot if they go the wrong Election Day polling place in their county on Election Day.

Often when a voter's name can't be found on the voter roll by an election worker, it is just because of a simple mix-up; for example, someone whose last name is "Jones-Smith" being alphabetized under S for "Smith."

When a votes uses a provisional ballot, they sign an affidavit affirming that they are an eligible voter in the jurisdiction where they are voting.

If a voter voted with a provisional ballot because they were a 1st time voter & needed confirming identification, the voter should send a copy of the identification to their County Board of Elections by Nov. 12.

NC voters who cast a provisional ballot should have been given a PIN at the polling place and will be able to see if it was counted via the NCSBE "Provisional Ballot Lookup tool": ​ 

NC voters who voted with a provisional ballot can also call their county board of elections to determine the status of their provisional ballot.

Find your County BOE here: 

We won't know how many of the 40,766 provisional ballots will ultimately be accepted for a couple of weeks. It takes time to ascertain the eligibility of each voter who cast a provisional ballot. This happens every election, and is expected.

My guess is that of the 40,766 provisional ballots, a much smaller number will ultimately be accepted – but we are just going to have to be patient to find out what the final results.

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