I don’t know which way US #ElectionResults2020 will go.More than likely will end up in SCOTUS.I don’t want to speculate anymore than is necessary but here is what I have understood about America in 2020.They have lost capacity for public health and capacity to count paper ballots
America today is a country where you will find most cutting edge technology on Cancer cure but during a pandemic hospitals will run out of gloves and PPP.They have not had a major healthcare crisis at the scale of Coronavirus in 100 years so they have forgotten how to handle this
Again with elections, they were not ready to count deluge of paper ballots. They count mail in ballots every election but not at this scale. Both calamities had to happen in 2020..
The real challenge for America now will be deciphering the mandate of #Election2020 . Biden didn’t win in a landslide, Trump didn’t get wiped out and all members of Squad won their re-elections. How do you sincerely decode this and not fall back upon partisan analysis?
Greatest misfortune of current America is that dispassionate analysts don’t exist. Thinkers who can rise above their political preferences are extinct. This is America’s greatest crisis. Without honest introspection it will be a disaster.
America is the greatest geopolitical experiment. A positive influence in global world order.American society is truly vibrant and accommodating.They are constantly willing to improve.The criticism from Somalian born legislators notwithstanding there is no country like this
Here is what I hope : America is able to stay true to the principles it has fought for- free minds and free markets. Level playground for all and no State interference in deciding the outcome of individual struggle. Encouraging competition and no monopoly of any one set of ideas.
I won’t end this thread on a dismal note so here it goes : America has seen Lincoln and Reagan. FDR and JFK. Great men with great vision. There will be men and women who will protect this Land of the free and home of the brave from external threats and internal saboteurs.
And this is a post script to the thread :) - In America you find Somalia born legislators, in Somalia you don’t find American born legislators. Hope it stays that way. Good luck America.
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