13. Don't say: Follow the science... if your recommendation is science + values. Science alone can never proscribe policy. It requires values and preferences, which are outside science
14. Enough credentialism. Your opponents are not wrong because of the degrees they have or do not have. You must explain why they are wrong
15. Follow 25 people who disagree with you and don't mute them or unfollow, but silently take it in to remind yourself that the world is complicated
16. Folks who agree with you are not good guys and folks who disagree are are not bad guys. We are all messy and complicated.
17. Don't find people in your tribe and accuse them of not being pure enough.
18. Get off this website sometimes
19. If someone has a minority view in medicine asking them why they are not publishing peer reviewed papers is like sitting on their chest and asking them why they are not standing up.
20. Don't confuse a tweet that gives you validation for one that advances your cause
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