Hi everybody! Checking in again while we #CountEveryVote with more good news to tide you over. You ready? Here we go.
. @JoeBiden is winning the popular vote by more than 4 million votes. He received more votes than any candidate in history and all signs point to victory if we're patient and #CountEveryVote. We have work ahead, but make no mistake, this is the clear choice we were looking for.
Georgia just last year seemed almost unreachable. But thanks to @StaceyAbrams and @fairfightaction, it's ready to flip #blue! The race is tighter by the minute, with many votes left to be counted sourced to Fulton County aka John Lewis' district. All eyes on #GA!
We elected the FIRST U.S. House delegation made up entirely of women of color in #NM! We also have a record number of Native American women heading to Congress. This is a groundbreaking representation shift in our country's leadership.
We're finally beating back the war on drugs. Four states legalized marijuana while #OR legalized possession of ALL drugs. Instead of punishing addiction, Oregonians can now either pay a $100 fine or opt in to treatment. This is a BFD.
And finally, champions for reproductive freedom and justice like @RepFletcher in #TX07@RepMikeLevin in #CA49, @RepAngieCraig in #MN02, @RepHaleyStevens in #MI11, and @RepCindyAxne in #IA03 were re-elected to the House!!!!
You can follow @ilyseh.
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