Using @MetricaSports I looked at United's late attacking build up last night:

Pic 1: Matic "quarterbacking" because Pogba/Fernandes were pushed higher. Shaw offered an alternative wide, but the right side was completely stripped. Easy for IB to defend one side. Congested mid.
Pic 2: Players marked in purple are the ones who have stayed central, the players in light blue are the ones moving central. I highlighted white to show those who'd move wide. Problem? No one moved wide. The only one was Luke Shaw, who instantly had two man on him. So predictable
Pic 3: But what happens when Shaw actually gets on the ball, or United move wide. Notice the players highlighted (Greenwood, Cavani). They are left standing, hoping the ball gets into the box. Pogba moves out (to his credit) to try to help United get numerical equality wide here
Issue is that you create overloads either wide or centrally by moving the ball, and moving players to force a breakdown. United move the ball SO SLOW, and Basaksehir can easily move their men over to each side.

United's attacking is predictable, slow and easy to stop here.
When this is the team sheet, and the players you can use, being predictable, slow and easy to defend against actually takes some doing.

Simply not good enough from the players nor the manager. And this is certainly not the first time you can say that about Solskjær and his team
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