Of course this is complete drivel. The #OverseasOperationsBill just isn’t fit for purpose.

My @UKLabour colleagues and I care deeply about our Armed Forces – that’s precisely why we couldn’t support it.

A thread… https://twitter.com/Conservatives/status/1323913829848403968
No one is denying there’s a problem with some of our soldiers and #veterans being investigated repeatedly. Lives have been ruined, but this Bill will not prevent it from happening again.
Part 1 of the Bill seeks only to address prosecutions, of which there have been a total of 27 this century.

But nowhere in the Bill does it mention the need to tackle the root cause of the issue, namely, flawed investigations.
When giving evidence to @HouseofCommons, the former Judge Advocate General said the Bill, “will not stop people being investigated and it will not stop people being re-investigated and investigated again.”
A view shared by the cross-party @HumanRightsCtte: https://twitter.com/HumanRightsCtte/status/1321708613279383552?s=20
A point made by the former Judge Advocate General in his evidence to @HouseofCommons:
Along with @DavidDavisMP, I asked the government to exclude torture from the Bill.

They voted against our amendment. https://twitter.com/DanJarvisMP/status/1322156952760258563?s=20
Thank you to all the MPs who signed and voted for it.
Part 2 of the Bill seeks to prevent civil claims being brought against service personnel but in reality, does more to protect @DefenceHQ than our veterans.
Here’s his evidence to @HouseofCommons:
Labour asked the government to rethink. Instead, they voted against the Shadow Defence Team’s amendment which would have protected the rights of our service personnel.
I care deeply about our Armed Forces and the brave men and women who put their lives on the line in the service of our country.

I would be the first to support any measure to keep them safe. Put simply, this Bill does not do that, as sadly, time will tell.
You can follow @DanJarvisMP.
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