there’s a lot of armchair psychologizing about Trump voters and not nearly enough about Biden voters imo
to contribute a bit: there is a certain kind of upper middle class liberal who has enough money not to be really concerned about material interests, and votes for the Democratic party solely out of identity—specifically, their self-identity as Good and Not-racist people (1/2)
this type of person DOES NOT want to hear about Biden or Harris’ criminal justice record. They think Bernie is a bigot, but they can’t really tell you why beyond a feeling. They aren’t really voting for candidates but the maintenance of their own self-image as the Good People
what’s really going to be interesting is how they vote in a primary between a member of the Squad and an old-guard centrist Dem, especially if that centrist Dem is a white man. will this type of person vote for their own supposed anti-racist principles? or against socialism?
lol I had a (1/2) in there but I do not have Thread Discipline, the armchair psychology reason there is that I am a massive flake
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