Cuomo on the vote count: "This is a divided nation. We always knew it was going to be a close election."
"Trump is suing. No kidding. Just listen to him. He's been saying this for weeks," Cuomo says.
Cuomo: "there could be anarchy and there should be" if the Supreme Court overturns a Biden win.
Cuomo: "The whole conversation has always been it's going to be close and it's long and complicated... I'm not surprised by any of it. Frankly, I'm encouraged by how the numbers look"
Cuomo jokingly pretends to hang up the phone when asked if Biden loses would he run for president in 2024.

"No, he's going to win, thank God," Cuomo says of Biden.
Cuomo: "We really should have a popular vote. Why does my vote count less than someone in Georgia?"

Cuomo says he did not believe the polling showing Biden well ahead in battleground states.
Cuomo says Trump "polarized the Senate" and Republican lawmakers there are interested in making a deal.

"Biden is by definition collegial and unifying and that's going to make all the difference," Cuomo says
"Even the Republican states need help," Cuomo says.

New York is seeking billions of dollars in aid from the federal government and will need Senate Republicans to agree to one if they keep the majority.
Essentially, Cuomo says he is counting on Biden's ability to strike a deal with McConnell on an aid package.
Cuomo: "There are still ballots being counted. I think the Democrats are going to do better in the House races and the Senate races when they are counted... I believe the Republicans beat the Democrats on the messaging."
Cuomo says Republicans effectively labeled Democrats anti-police.

"It isn't true," Cuomo says, adding "it shouldn't have been this close for Democrats in some key seats.
Cuomo on Republicans: "They ran de Blasio's picture all over New York state... law & order... that was there message. It resonated more than it should have. I think when they count all the ballots we'll be fine, but it should not have been this close."
Cuomo: "We always expected the Working Families Party to survive. It was set deliberately so. We always expected the Conservative Party to survive."

He says the culling for the higher threshold was meant to pare down ballot lines like SAM, Independence ahead of public financing
Cuomo says New York is "going to be desperate for the funding" when asked about marijuana legalization and expects it will be approved in New York.

"The pressure will be on because we need the money so badly."
One of the big hindrances to marijuana legalization in New York has been the details -- taxation, where the revenue goes, whether individuals can grow small amounts, who can get a license to sell, etc.
Cuomo talking COVID: "Our boat floats on the national tide" and cases are going up across the country.
Cuomo complains that no one ever calls him during the White House COVID briefing calls.
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