as someone who works processing ballots in california, a state where we have been able to begin processing (not counting) since early october, i’m telling you that even if any of us wanted to commit “voter fraud” with the ballots, it would be virtually impossible.
not only are there many practices in place to stop this—for instance, the people who open the ballots have to use gold pencil when logging bc the gold won’t be read by the machines that count ballots—but we also literally don’t have time to do anything but our jobs.
There is such high volume of ballots that I don’t even see the names/addresses of most of the ballots that i run through the machine i work on (mail ballot verifier) so the idea of tampering with ballots that are closed the entire time they are in my possession just doesn’t work
not to mention there are cameras everywhere, supervisors walking around constantly, and that the employees truly could not give a fuck about tampering with ballots. talking to my coworkers a lot of them don’t even vote (which tbf shocked me)
and even though no one is really worried about this so called “voter fraud” in ca, i tweet this bc i just can’t see how different these operations would be in other states. voter fraud isn’t really a thing. vote by mail is very safe. county employees are just doing their jobs.
oh, and if you have ever come to observe the operation in LA county (anyone can make an appointment i believe), know that we have all DEFINITELY talked shit about you. especially if you are bald. (we have decided we don’t trust bald men)
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