$ROKU reports earnings today. Two factors that will determine whether Roku will be a $100B company is the Roku Channel and international expansion. Here's some data to give a rough idea on how Roku is performing in these areas. 👇(1/5)
The $ROKU Channel, like most AVOD has grown tremendously since the start of the year, especially since COVID. The number of tweets that mentioned the Roku Channel in Q3 grew 133% YoY. Most of these tweets are of people viewing content from the channel. (2/5)
$ROKU partnered with Hisense late last year to produce smart TVs for the UK. Are they making a dent in market share? Based on the # of reviews in Argos (a huge UK ecommerce site), Roku has grown to a ~6% market share since the start of 2020, with Samsung/LG/Sony still leading
In terms of job openings in $ROKU, total job openings has not changed much YoY, but has rebounded 68% since the end of Q2. (4/5)
Search traffic for "Roku TV" has not shown signs of showing down, even though lockdowns have ended in most countries. Search volume, globally has risen 50% YoY with over 673,000 searches a month, and has remained steadily consistent since March. (5/5)
$ROKU is my biggest position but the 100B question is can Roku's domestic success be replicated internationally when they are not the first movers? CC @SecretCapital_ @bluff_capital @JonahLupton @HedgeyeComm @DPogrebinsky @Soumyazen @AnthonyOhayon @KermitCapital @saxena_puru
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