Voter fraud isn't just real: it is endemic to any place Democrats control. It is something they do as a matter of course and they've done it since the Democrat Party was created.

That people don't know this makes me really disappointed in history education in the United States.
I have grave doubts about the votes in the deep blue areas; specifically major urban areas like Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia and so forth. I don't believe we can rely on any vote tabulations out of such areas because with Dems in total control, it is certain they stuff the box.
In this year's mail ballot regime, it was even easier to stuff: you didn't even have to go to polling places. A couple guys in a room could create thousands of ballots and send them in. But it wouldn't be different from any other election year. This is what Democrats do.
Remember: Democrats call you racist, sexist, homophobic. You know these accusations are lies. They are such an outrage that in a more manly age, you'd be justified in challenging them to a duel for daring to utter such slanders about you. Liars won't blanch at voter fraud.
Does it seem likely to you that Detroit which is destroyed would continue to overwhelmingly vote Dem? Do you believe that the people there are dumb? Or is it more likely that a pack of liars, and you know they are a pack of liars, would rig it? Take your time on that. I'll wait.
Ok, now that you fully agree with me that I'm right. What is the solution? Simple: take Democrats out of power over the vote. We have to dominate SoS positions and, when we have legislative control, enact laws which ensure we're watching from start to finish. It really is simple.
Florida did it - their rapid and accurate count was done because Democrats didn't have authority over the vote. They had no choice but to just let honest votes come in and then count them up. That's the fix guys; not voter ID...GOPers counting. Do that, and we're done.
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