I've lived my entire professional life at the intersection of Econ Blvd and Epi Street. I won't mince words: Economists have a lot to offer the epi modeling community. And vice-versa. https://twitter.com/paulgp/status/1324360252897316866
This epi v health econ debate needs to go away. As an expert in data-driven health policy, I can assure you that both sandboxes are useful and it's OK to play across them.
Civility, transparency, and collaboration are key. I guarantee you policymakers don't care about internecine squabbles across the quant health disciplines.
One of the best places I've ever worked? @MathematicaNow. Projects staffed with PhDs in public health, health, HSR, etc. Together.we.are.better.
I am no fan of epistemic trespassing. Which is why my #scicomm efforts are *with* an interdisciplinary team of Nerdy Girls @DearPandemic.
Economists don't only study the macroeconomy (I certainly don't). Epidemiologists study economic influences as exposures of interest. It's all good.
No one likes to be tsk-tsk'd by someone from outside their own discipline - regardless of the merits of the argument. We need to align and collaborate if we want to keep minds open and conversations productive.
Plus, in the end, everyone's just going to listen to the MD's anyways...(I'm kidding - mostly ;))
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