some quick points....These red wave stories make no sense and are not going to age well especially in the Senate. There are over a million ballots still to be counted...these ballots skew HEAVILY Democratic.

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These votes count just as much as early votes and day of election votes to discount them is dangerous and anti-Democratic. We see this tactic on the national level and we see Trump's minions in New York parroting his points.

Democrats here in NY and throughout the country pushed early voting and absentee voting. The early voting returns proved this was successful in competitive seats Dems were winning 2 and 3 times as many votes and this will be the same once absentee ballots are counted

Senate Democrats are right now winning 36 seats and that number is guaranteed to grow and yes the super majority is on the table. We will still have the largest majority for any party in decades

At the end of the day Democrats will have won the majority back to back for the first time since FDR was President. So again these red wave stories don't make sense and are dishonest. Don't be fooled by the GOP who are desperate to act relevant.

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