I know I’m not the only one saying this, but we should’ve spent the 90 million wasted on McGrath’s vanity campaign on labor and community organizing in swing states. Lots of Dems might not understand why, though, so here’s my take
The big issue in rural and suburban communities is that people don’t have progressive opportunities to ‘do’ politics—the political outlets are churches and the Republican Party. We build progressive values in community, and there’s not many opportunities for that out there
Maybe the internet will give people a way to find progressive community, but it seems like it’s more driving Q and other far-right fringe movements out there
The history of Dem success has always been through organized groups voting D to get policy change. And there’s a lot of potential for that in rural areas — farmer organizing to fight big ag and eminent domain, migrant worker organizing, labor organizing
But we don’t have much of that, so everywhere outside of cities is deep red. There are demographic explanations too. But the lack of progressive political community and organization is a big piece
Imo the best way to flip states and communities blue is by organizing strong community and labor groups between elections, to fight on all of the issues that matter. Then in election season they can engage critically and fight for those issues in the political arena
In other words, let’s get that ActBlue money flowing to community and labor organizing
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