Using Logic— I will create a thread on what God is
Key word is Omni— meaning all.

To be labeled as a God you must meet all of these requirements:
Omnipotent— all powerful

Any task performed against you will not be seen as difficult or impossible— humans say move a mountain

I say a true God could invert a black hole— we as a collective of humans could move mountains with relative ease (if were using unity’s sake)
Omnipresent— to be in all places at once

To see everyone through time— let me break this down!!!!

You have choices you could do in your day that ultimately change the course of your day— a seemly infinite possibility for reality— now this for everyone in the world
Omniscient— all knowing

Piggy backing off the former (I know I don’t like this either)

To be through all time and be everywhere at once means to know everything

God is the biggest observer there is
Omnibenevolent— all good

One who knows all— sees all will know of every outcome and situation

To think and say we’re all still hear is to say that God still enjoys observing us; to a sense that everything could’ve been destroyed— we come to find things don’t happen to us
That wraps up the qualities of what God should be right now is the theory
There are 12 universal laws that govern the universe— if you’re into coding there’s are rules set on a system NOTHING IN THE SYSTEM CAN VIOLATE. If God created the universe then said universe is a system that God is not bound to
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