10 things I wish I knew when I was a student.
1. Be proud of your own background/path. I’m a first gen college student, with teen parents who came from farmers/factory workers. What I learned: Code switching is a great advantage, be proud if you can do it! #APSSCTwitterTakeover
2/10- There’s infinite # of ways to craft a career in psych science. A million diff versions even in academia & it morphs over time. My current jam: public-facing, social justice promoting- spread psych science to people with boots on ground in kids’ lives
# APSSCTwitterTakeover
3/10- Biggest perk of my career as a psych prof: intellectual freedom. If you are passionate about your research topic, it is always fun to explore (I mean, as fun as racism/sexism can be). A major privilege I don’t take for granted #APSSCTwitterTakeover #AcademicChatter
4/10- Social comparison in academia (&life) is the devil. Only focus on you. ESPECIALLY if you’re a woman, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, an immigrant, first gen, pregnant, diff-abled, etc. You do you, & let the dude whose dad was a univ president do him
5/10: Tell your imposter syndrome voice to shut up. Literally every decent person I have ever met feels it. Inc society presidents and editors-in-chief. In other words, it’s not based in reality
6/10: Take as many stats classes as possible in grad school. You feel busy now, but it gets worse as an Asst. Prof., then worse as an Assoc. Prof., and then worse as a Full Prof. Learning new stats will be hard to squeeze in once the tenure clock starts.
7/10: Work will take up every hour you give it. If you are doing it right, there will ALWAYS be more work than hours in the day. That is not a sign of failure and shouldn't be frustrating. It is just the nature of it. Let it go, develop balance, and get back at it tomorrow.
8/10: I have rarely seen a grad student or ECR leave the field/drop out because of lack of ability or intelligence. It is much more often burnout, mental health concerns, or substance abuse.
9/10: Have a document: Cut From Other Places. When you are editing & need to cut something bc it doesn't work in a spot, but you can't bare to because you love it SO much, cut & add to that document. You can then pull from it later. Mentally easier to repurpose than delete.
10/10: When asked by a stranger about your job, say researcher (I say "professor"). If you say "psychologist", just get used to the joke about reading their minds or doing a case study or being analyzed. Work on a funny response. You'll get plenty of practice.
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