It’s been a long few days. We all know the bad news so let’s start with the good. Oh, Florida, a thread: @FlaDems launched a municipal victory program (MVP) in 2019 focused on winning municipal and county races while the caucuses,focus on winning the legislature. 1/10
Now the bad news: we all know that Florida lost big at the top of the ticket, the leg., and 2 congressional seats. I joined the party in June to, in addition to MVP, help fill budget gaps in the targeted house races. We provided funding to over 80 candidates for digital ads, 3/10
Built  with digital slate cards for ALL candidates, helped targeted house races with money, mail, tv, field and staff —something never done by @FlaDems before, as again, these programs have always been run by the house caucus.4/10
Though my mandate was not on Biden or the congressional races, we believed that every bit of organizing helped EVERY democrat on the ticket, every member of the @FlaDems staff worked their hearts out. Now, we didn’t win. And yes, this fucking sucks. 5/10
A post-mortem is needed. The IE side, us, all models in Florida were wrong. I get why people are mad, I’m mad too. But when we win, everyone shares in that win. Yet when we lose, so many are quick to cast blame. I get that too, though not my style. 6/10
So I’ll say this: no 2 people can win an election alone and no 2 people can lose it alone. The FL Biden campaign, the DCCC, house and senate victory, the IEs and FDP will all have to dig into wtf happened here. 7/10
I took on working w/ @FlaDems this June knowing that if we lost, everyone would blame the party- this is not new, it happens everywhere, every cycle. But I did it anyway, because in my life, being a part of the solution is better than throwing stones from the sidelines.8/10
It’s the reason why I got into politics in the first place. From MA to AL, I’ve been a part of historic wins. This loss, at this time no less, hurts like hell. Much respect to many who have stayed committed to winning Florida from cycle to cycle. 9/10
You get it from all sides and I understand you all so much better now. Progress not perfection is all we can ask for in this business. So here’s to progress. Onward. 10/10
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