Can we please stop with the "Trump gained with Latino voters" hot takes? If you talked to ANY academic, commentator or journalist who has covered Latino voters over the last 40 years, the GOP has historically gotten a third of Latino voters nationally.
NOBODY who has been following Trump and what his campaign did this cycle is surprised by the support he got. NOBODY.

The conversation needs to be this instead: there was NEVER a unified Latino voting bloc on the national level. Ever.
Start thinking about how to specifically address these pockets:

SW/W (consistently voting blue)
Midwest (voters that can take you over top)
The South (see what's happening in Georgia/NC)
Texas (the elusive Holy Grail that will change)
Florida (not the only game in town any more)
Why did Trump perform at the same GOP level historically with 1/3 of Latinos?

Because that is the base. Because he invested in the places he needed to invest in. Because the Latin Americanization of the left/right message works for this base. And so on and so on.
And, oh yeah, actually FOLLOW all the AMAZING Latino and Latina voices that have been discussing and dissecting this for years.
And take this thread by @BermudezWrites and plaster it on your walls.
Finally, and this is an important point: if you look at where Trump got the support in the states, it's because his campaign worked to connect with the voters it needed to get and then rinse and repeat. It was effective, and more effective than Biden in some states.
Adding another great thread by the FABULOUS @SonjaFrancine, who you ALL need to follow.
You can follow @julito77.
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