Always feel Silicon Valley obsesses over Girard (+ Marcus Aurelius) because they simply don't know about other philosophers who'd be much more relevant.

Here's a list of some stuff you should read:

Richard Sennett: Authority (Hegel, leaders, psychology)
You want proper scapegoating and violence - I'd be the last to promote Derrida, but this one is actually a must read:
You want to decry modern life, pop culture noise and the gullibility of the populace?

Hate to say Adorno was ahead of you!

I think about his "Halbbildung" every day...
Do you have a complicated relationship with feminism?

While you probably won't agree with Élisabeth Badinter (French historian and brilliant malcontent) but she'll sure make you think.

Here's an amazing hate piece on her
You don't know how moral philosophy might relate to science fiction, and whether this is basically cheating on the effective altruists you like on those podcasts???

Here's a beautiful and reassuring profile on Parfit for you -
(Also periodic reminder that Palantir CEO did his doctorate with Habermas apparently, in a Frankfurt School / post-Hegelian system of thought, so if you want to really understand how they think I'd drop Girard and check out that.)

(Btw I do think @Alex_Danco's piece is great.)
(And there is nothing more Girardian than convincing the masses to read Girard while the real thing is in the post-Hegelian thought and that's what they actually read backstage haha)
(The entirety of Zero to One, despite its *seemingly* binary title, is written in Hegelian triads -

each chapter a thesis - antithesis - synthesis -

dotcom boom - lean startup - Third Way tech -

It's full of Hegel and Marx references, too.

Just a tip.)
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