Since we collected this data, I have been asked the question: who are the 15% of Canadians who prefer Trump over Biden? While waiting on the Nevada count, I had a closer look. Most of the details are exactly as you might expect; but maybe not all.
Not surprisingly, they are more likely to be men, and more likely to live in the Prairies and less likely to live in Quebec. They are also more likely to be younger than older. I am not sure if that is a surprise or not (let me know what you think).
And you can combine these: 23% of Canadian men under the age of 40 prefer Trump over Biden, including 42% of men under age 40 living in the Prairie provinces (though sample size is getting weak for age +gender+ region).
More surprising perhaps: Canadians who prefer Trump are not more likely to be white (and not racialized), and not more likely to be born in Canada (and not immigrants). (Of course, the racialized group in Canada is much more diverse than in the U.S.)
Finally, there are predictable differences in view on public policy issues (immigration, race, government spending). But the more striking difference is on the basic question about satisfaction with the way things are going in our country today.
65% of Canadians who prefer Trump are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the country, compared to 25% of those who prefer Biden. This is not necessarily surprising and in some ways is circular (two ways of measuring the same thing). Yet seemed worth sharing.
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