Some of the new Bioconductor packages that caught my eye. There are way more great new contributions than I can cover, do check the full list here for your topics of interest:
bambu from @chenyin76951822 Yuk Kei Wan @JonathanGoeke

multi-sample transcript discovery and quantification using long read RNA-Seq data
biocthis from @lcolladotor and @M2RUseR

expands the usethis package with the goal of helping automate the process of creating R packages for Bioconductor
marr from Katerina Kechris and @ghoshd groups

nonparametric approach that detects reproducible signals using a maximal rank statistic for high-dimensional biological data
MOFA2, sequel to MOFA, from @RArgelaguet @BrittaVelten and Damien Arnol, Danila Bredikhin
musicatk from Chevalier and Campbell

flexible framework to allow users to mix and match different types of mutations in the mutational signature inference process
pipeComp from @GermainPl @AnthonySonrel @markrobinsonca

facilitate the comparison of pipelines involving various steps and parameters
SpatialExperiment from @drighelli @drisso1893

Bioc S4 classes for storing data for spatial experiments
velociraptor 🦖 (i know that's a T-Rex...) from @KevinRUE67 Aaron Lun @CSoneson

Bioconductor-friendly wrappers for RNA velocity calculations in single-cell RNA-seq data
And online books now on the Bioconductor builders, both OSCA (too many authors to name!) and SingleR (Aaron Lun). These are excellent resources!
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