While I obvs like the remixes now abounding on Twitter - there's more to say here, than just mocking her. It seems lazy when people say "This isn't what Christianity *really* is". For millions around the world, this *is* at least part of their understanding of Christianity... (1) https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1324175651515949056
... Even if we leave the Prosperity Theology stuff parked to the side (and refuse to snark at the apparent inefficacy thereof with her 2008 bankruptcy), she fits into a notable protestant evangelical tradition, although at odds with many within those communities too... (2)
...Around the world, the charismatic televangelist with financial turmoils and a rocky relationship history is a recognisable figure in modern mass Christianity. It has an appeal whereby the flaws and troubles humanise them, rather than discrediting them... (3)
...The 'one of us', flawed & yet bold, unapologetic in the face of revelations & imperfections personna works for her as well as for Trump: can see why their connection makes sense/support overlaps. We see them & recognise the sins, & simultaneously envy the 'front'... (4)
...So while we can mock, especially if the milieu she occupies is alien to us (it's not that alien to me, but that's another story), but let's not doubt her influence, reach and that huge numbers take her seriously. Also... (5)
...though it may seem preposterous or off-brand to many believers and nonbelievers, the brand of spiritual leadership/product she, and others in the same mould, offer is absolutely recognised by huge global numbers as absolutely matching their understanding of 'Christianity' (6)
( my fave version I think: ) https://twitter.com/mollyjongfast/status/1324353045405290496
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