borderline personality disorder ; a thread
borderline personality disorder is a disorder where the individual portrays patterns* of unstable mood swings , behavior, and relationships. -*these symptoms have to be consistent within the individual.
people with bpd have an intense fear of abandonment , whether it’s real or imaginary. this can cause the individual to have a pattern of short lived relationships due to this intense fear of being abandoned.
there are nine symptoms of bpd. you have to have at least six in order to be diagnosed. the symptoms include ;

-Efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment, such as rapidly initiating intimate (physical or emotional) relationships or cutting off communication with someone
•A pattern of intense and unstable relationships with family, friends, and loved ones, often swinging from extreme closeness and love (idealization) to extreme dislike or anger (devaluation)
•Distorted and unstable self-image or sense of self
•Impulsive and often dangerous behaviors, such as spending sprees, unsafe sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, and binge eating. Please note: If these behaviors occur primarily during a period of elevated mood or energy, they may be signs of a mood disorder
•Self-harming behavior, such as cutting
•Recurring thoughts of suicidal behaviors or threats
•Intense and highly changeable moods, with each episode lasting from a few hours to a few days
•Chronic feelings of emptiness
•Inappropriate, intense anger or problems controlling anger
•Difficulty trusting, which is sometimes accompanied by irrational fear of other people’s intentions
•Feelings of dissociation, such as feeling cut off from oneself, seeing oneself from outside one’s body.
the causes of bpd are still not entirely understood. scientists do agree , however that it’s a result of a combination of these factors :

⁃genetics. while no specific has been shown to directly cause bpd, people who have a close family member with bpd may be at a higher risk
⁃environmental factors. people who experienced traumatic events ; such as neglect , separation , physical , and or emotional abuse , are at a higher risk of developing bpd.
⁃brain function. the emotional regulation function of the brain my be different in individuals with bpd. this would suggest there might be a neurological basis for this disorder.
bpd is usually diagnosed in early adult hood (18) but can be diagnosed in 16-17 year olds if symptoms are severe enough.
it has been observed that bpd usually begins by early adulthood. it the begins to worsen during early adulthood , but with the right treatment can get better as you get older.
fortunately, there are many treatment options for individuals with bpd. it’s important to remember that everyone’s experiences with this disorder is personal. recovering from bpd isn’t a linear path. there will be many ups and downs but it’s just apart of healing.
some of the most successful treatment plans are :

⁃DBT ( dialectical behavior therapy )
⁃CBT ( cognitive behavioral therapy )
⁃and in severe cases hospitalization
bpd is easily misdiagnosed as c-ptsd , adhd , or bipolar disorder due to their similarities. this is why self diagnoses is never a smart idea. self diagnosing with bpd is extremely harmful towards both you and the people who are diagnosed.
you cannot under any circumstance self diagnose with bpd. if you think you have the disorder then get tested. otherwise there is absolutely no way to know for sure if you have the disorder.
if doctors who went through 4-6 years of school studying psychiatry struggle to properly diagnose what makes you think you’re any better?
and now ss of the DSM-5
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