“We totally stole the election. But now the important work of uniting the country begins. Let us put our differences aside and come together to pack the Supreme Court, undermine the Constitution, raise taxes, open the borders, and raise energy costs to unsustainable levels.”
And this comes on the heels of a false impeachment, four years of communist revolutionary-style resistance maneuvers, the destruction of political opponents (like Kavanaugh), and the complete demonization and attempted destruction of anyone who expresses support for Trump.
I mean, you can’t just blow apart the election system (after incessantly blaming the “Russians” for doing the same thing in 2016) and expect that everything will be fine. You can’t just burn down American cities, and threaten war, and expect everything to be fine.
In short, leftists have upped the ante to the maximum. They have asked for war. They know this, and that’s why they keep saying “white nationalist militia terrorists” are the “greatest threat” to this country. Deep down, leftists know they won’t go unopposed.
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