Americans voted clearly and decisively for President Biden and what they're going to get is President Mitch McConnell:
It really is up to Joe Biden as to whether he wants to meekly accept Mitch McConnell and the Supreme Court running the country for the next 4 years or provoke a crisis early that would allow him to govern. We're screwed.
They won't give an inch. They run the country now. Dems blowing the Senate may have cost us a once in a generation chance to fix things.
It doesn't work. Most voters, but especially marginal voters, don't understand how Senate obstruction works, which is part of why it's so effective. Voters instead punish President for gridlock.
You can't do recess appointments anymore (Mitch fixed that by never technically recessing) and 6-3 GOP SCOTUS wont allow "acting" agency heads like they did for Trump.
I don't know. Get creative.
Why on Earth would Toomey sign onto this or would McConnell allow it to come to the floor for a vote?
Just to give you a preview: SCOTUS will dismantle Obamacare, GOP will obliterate Dems in 2022, saying Biden is the one who took away your healthcare and raised your premiums.
How the fuck are you gonna instruct the FBI to do shit if you can't get Senate confirmation of a new FBI director?
Something to that but keep in mind Biden's very likely to lose the House in 2022 as GOP State legislatures fix all their gerrymanders again (as well as whatever nonsense Trump got up to with the census going through)
It also means they will block *any* appointment to roles like CFPB, FEC and NLRB, bodies the GOP is perfectly content to not have operating at all
I'd sure like to see Brett Kavanaugh wriggle his way out of *this* binding precedent!

*Kavanaugh wriggles out of it easily*

Ah! Well. Nevertheless,
People will blame the feckless Dems for this, and they'll be right, but the fecklessness was blowing the Senate elections now and in 2018. President Sanders would be facing the same grim, hopeless options without a Senate majority.
"Surely your assumption that Mitch McConnell is going to do exactly what he did in 2015-2016 is baseless hysteria. You can tell because your prediction that Donald Trump would file frivolous lawsuits in an attempt to steal the election didn't pan out"
They would make the enforcement of federal regulations promulgated by those agencies null by saying the rules were made improperly by non-Senate confirmed officials when businesses sued to stop enforcement
You should not believe me, a rando who has never worked in politics and has never set foot in the United States Senate, about any of this. Listen to Harry Reid's former chief of staff
I think the Dems should perhaps be lowkey delighted that Trump continues to dominate the news and do alarming won't-respect-the-transfer-of-power stuff since it's probably their only chance of taking either of these Senate races
I really don't know how to explain to people gleeful about potentially turning the tables on this that the unitary executive stuff won't work out for you if you don't have the courts at your back.
"oh won't confirm my cabinet pick? Suck it! Acting EPA Secretary is coming out with new fuel efficiency regulations anyway!"

(car and oil companies sue, claim regulations were made improperly by an acting official, SCOTUS rules 6-3, or maybe 9-0, in their favor)

"Ah! Well. N
This would require the Republican Supreme Court justices to do a hypocrisy, so it's unthinkable. But seriously, I do suspect a lot of Trump fiat stuff does get successfully reversed
It's not clear what his alternative is! McConnell has him over a barrel! You can't just tell him to fuck off: your leverage points over things he cares about, like shutting down the government, all crash the economy, which you get blamed for.
I'm already seeing leftists already slamming Biden like "Biden is going to pick centrists, selling us out," which is exactly why this shit works.

Biden doesn't have a choice at this point, there's no play here if McConnell can keep his caucus together!
That's not to say Biden doesn't deserve a huge share of blame for blowing the Senate races! He does! But now that they're blown the die is cast and I don't think he has good options, barring unexpectedly benevolent behavior by Murkowski, Romney etc
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