GP Even assuming Biden wins the presidency, Democrats had a horrible election.

In the middle of a pandemic in a cratered (mostly by Democrat governors) economy running against a hated Trump, with the heavy assist for a biased media, Biden might squeak across the finish line.
GP Democrats will lose seats in the House but retain the majority. And right now it appears as if Democrats will not take the Senate.

There's no real mandate for Democrats to do anything.
GP I'm not claiming Republicans had a great night either. Simply noting that based on self-professed expectations for a giant blue wave, they got a puddle ripple at best.
GP All of which furthers my theory that Trump is at least partly correct. Americans want a party that doesn't overpromise and actually delivers basic, tangible things for everyday working folks.

Jobs, a good economy, good schools, safe neighborhoods.
GP Both parties need to get back to what matters. Doing the little, boring, un-sexy things right. Don't get bogged down in the culture wars. Let NY be NY and TX be TX. Don't like what they're doing, don't live there.
GP Free businesses from *unnecessary* job-killing regulations. Make health insurance personal, not job-dependent. Simplify taxes. Spend less generally. Take care of the truly poor, but do it more efficiently and with more dignity.
GP And my God, can we finally ban all public sector unions? Look at what teachers unions have done to public education, skimming money that should go to kids, protecting horrible teachers and crappy schools. Reform civil service laws, get rid of collective bargaining.
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