

I tried to upload this thread two hours ago and been dealing with some technical issues ever since so fuck the introduction lets just get right to it. don't skip the videos man, give them a chance. they are like the heart of this thread. hope you all will enjoy this thread
I wouldn't be talking about the impeccable lyricism or polarizing production since it seems to be the most conventional thing about this masterpiece. instead,I have decided to take you all through the album connecting the dots while exemplifying the subject matter at hands using
the best of knowledge i could provide. the purpose of this thread is to put out the nostalgic memories and the enjoyment i have gained throughout this album and be able to share it with you all in a positive manner for a fleeting moment :)
i feel comfortable calling this album a time machine cuz that is what exactly what we are getting from top to bottom. it serves as a gateway to enter Em's mindset and it unifies his past, present and the future by step by step with each single track.
Thread about to start. lets fucking get it!!!!!!!!
He begins the album technically closing the page on his iconic "Stan' story and at the end of the song, he gives an unfiltered, raw and an introspective invitation to all the new and old fans. this is what all this has accumulated to, this is the climax. this is it. buckle up yoo
the next song delivers 3 solid "vintage slim" verses that capture his demented, insane, imprudent and eccentric sides of him. this song is like a crash course on who is Eminem for all the new fans and people who entering a new era and the old blonde hair.
he approaches the "MMLP" nostalgia, that mentality and what it actually represented by step by step while mixing it up with his contemporary thoughts. Now one might get bold (not talking about you @rosenberg) and let out a BROAD STATEMENT like "at least his misogynist character
doesn't exist anymore" Well...this track itself plays out as the part two of the crash course I was talking about and it serves absolutely nothing but classic wordplay and humor.
If anyone actually brought the album thinkin they would get a politically correct and a sensitive Eminem in 2013, this song was made and placed at the top of the album to save their time.
then we suddenly gets taken to a side Em has shown mostly in Recovery. his desire to overcome.
at the end of the survival video, he walks to his old Dresden house, stays there for few seconds gazing at it and then he propels himself for the next chapter by simply walking away from it. even though he had moved to a better life, the interaction with it for few seconds would
change the "survival: atmosphere just like that .with MMLP2 being our tour guide to his mind and the intervention by the Dresden house, we enter the next track "Legacy" which acts like a a capsule of painful and tormented memories and insecurities he had faced growing up.
his whole album displays an immense range of emotions that followed with top notch lyricism along with a distinctive retro warm sound that is only identical to this project in his discography. Self reflection plays a major role within the lines and from his childhood to now we
about to enter the side of him on how he deals with some of his recent struggles in his life. the self reflective part advances to the point where he pokes fun at criticism, self insecurities and self baggage and manipulate them for his own benefits.
Em's passion for hip hop always been evident in the most obvious ways. he still dresses shirts of his favorite rappers to this day and LL cool J's wife even got a restraining order against the man. Em thrives on hip hop guy basically breathes it. one of the reasons for him being
gravitated towards hip hop is how he found it as a gateway to escape the Dresden house and many more troubled times he had encountered. this track plays as a throwback to his love for hip hop and the solace he found it in and when legacy gets rough, he goes berzerk (pun intended)
ot just he used hip hop as the perfect gateway to escape all that stuff. he entered it, started to feed off it and used his battle rap background to be competitive to follow the footsteps of his idols. The same guy who was talking being bullied and being timid, now has found the
reassurance and the self confident in hip hop and the boost it gave him all those years has taken him to the level he even beginning to feel like a "RAP GOD". this track is probably one of the,(if not) most technical mainstreams rap songs of all time.
with every detail we manage to get from each track of the album, the last 2 songs has confirmed his pure love for Hip hop and how it would always make rainy days better and how he jammed and boogied to it. but unfortunately some of these baggage he holds, even can overcome the
the enormous passion that served as his happy place. the Dresden house and its memories will always find a way to make the stuff less sunny than they really are
the albums veers off to a different path with this next track and it sorts of plays the role of an icebreaker and open the door for a more volatile and an impassioned Eminem. the transformation from a rap god to this side of him illustrates despite everything going on
he is just a human being like rest of that being consumed by the emotions which he trying to take control of. and he flexes his singing skills in this joint as well
unfortunately his coping mechanism has become a circle. he raps about his issues, get more issues and he raps about them and repeat. even though all Em aspired was to be able to supply for his family and become a respected MC in the game, he was blessed and cursed with this
enormous amount of attention that his efforts brought upon him. this SHADY character that everybody loved and adored has had become a monster. his life was never that SLIMple anyways.
Self reflective lyrics has overtaken majority of space in this album n he approaches certain issues in a different way compared to his early attempts.What separates this album from it's predecessor is the sense of tranquility and light hearted spirit that he conspicuously shows
throughout this project.this next track captures that cheesy, whimsical side of him being accompanied by some of the funniest bars he had written to this day. he is legit having a good time and the joyous feeling is contagious in this tune
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ peep this flow btw, he maintains the "Zelda" scheme throughout the verse while carrying out several internal rhyming schemes effortlessly. definitely will be creating another thread on grand lyricism on MMLP2 sometime in the future.
the first and the only guess verse is from none other than someone who shared the same doctor at that time. They team up to do what they do their best and that is do funny silly captivating voices. And yeah murk every fukin verse they touch too
we have almost reached the end of the album and his train of thoughts has taken us from his Dresden , house to beastie boys days to McDonalds bathrooms to next track. with him revisiting some of that MMLP sentimental qualities, we still haven't heard anything significant
about probably the most important person in mmlp,His Mother
i got into Eminem around 2012 and i was going through his discography coming into conclusions on people he mentions with the information he feeds me.with the hostile mentality he had held towards his mother, that feeling somehow resonated with his fans to an extent too.
not a single fan in the planet, including myself had no idea that we would wake up to hear Marshall Mathers burring the hatchet with his mother by giving a sincere explanation as his way of offering consolation for everything they both had been through.
being an Eminem fan has comes with highs and lows. listening to his music for the first time and seeing Em sober are couple of things I'm grateful from the very bottom of my heart. witnessing Em being able to find a place in his heart to forgive his mother put a smile on my face
and still does :)
this track in particularly had so much anticipation built around it since the reveal of MMLP2's track list. with lack of presence of his alter ego's in Recovery and the sudden resurrections of "Shady" in Bad Meets Evil EP gave the fans some hope of seeing the "Old Eminem" that
we all loved.MMLP2 filled the gap some fans including myself waited impatiently and this song is him introducing the notorious "New Eminem" to the world. if you go through this album thoroughly you will see the lyricism and his style is a combination with his old self
as I've mentioned, he manages to walk on the both worlds maintaining the Eminem mystic perfectly throughout the album every bar is Eminem as it can get. as the album ending, he makes it the beginning of new Eminem and he gives an answer for the question majority
of the fans craved after the discrepancy of the styles of Recovery and Bad Meets Evil EP created, which was "What the fuck happened to your alter ego? "is he alive or is he gone?"
thank you so much if you actually got this far. i really really hope you enjoyed it.
these are just my opinions and i just wanted you to show that this project could be interpreted in so many ways and that is the beautify about this.
word to the unparalleled ODawg,
being inspired by her ability to Distill the right direction
in ambiguous situations, I could take my chances with this.

her influence will remain forever

and now I have to return some video tapes.
thank you so much for everything :) this wouldn't have been possible without you guys. ♥️ @KinngMathers @tant09_ @paulawyf @MurderARhyme @dotjaaaBCKUP @xdejaxvu @ScreamShadyTID @CrazyGalDri @Zel_Stan261 @alphaxcentaurix @shadyiva
btw all i did was put together these videos and adding some effects to polish them. shout out to all the creators of these lyrics videos🙏💜
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