I always felt it necessary to take on an administrative or enabling role alongside my own writing, whether that was hosting @comerhymewithus alongside @DeannaRodger, being Guest Artistic Director of @newwritingsouth, or now Co-director of @ScotBAMEwriters. Let me tell you why...
There are so many gatekeepers in literature. Writers need to be aware of the mechanisms. Arts admin roles have allowed me to be a voice and advocate for writers best interests in a way I may not have been able if I were an individual without something bigger behind me.
I know organisations such as @Soc_of_Authors (of which I'm a member) work with authors at the centre of everything they do, so I'm not saying there aren't ways to be heard without taking on a leadership role in literature organisation. But...
...if you can fit in a part-time/freelance arts admin role alongside writing, it's not just an extra income, it's so enlightening and empowering. If you can afford to, maybe volunteer as a trustee of a lit org. I'm so impressed with #BlackWritersGuild, which is all volunteer-led.
Looking behind the curtain you won't always like what you see, but once you are more aware of what's going on you will be able to identify what needs changing, what needs exposing and what work and people need nurturing.
I'm not saying these jobs or voluntary positions are easy to come by but I am saying you'd be surprised at how being a writer you might already be qualified (and desired) for jobs and trustee roles at literature organisations without even realising it.
You can follow @DeanAtta.
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