Prediction time 
(1) Biden won't live through his first and only term. Be it by old age mixed with the stress of the position or an "accident" Kamala will ascend to presidency.
(2) H1B visas galore to upper caste Indians who'll immigrate to America & bring that caste

(1) Biden won't live through his first and only term. Be it by old age mixed with the stress of the position or an "accident" Kamala will ascend to presidency.
(2) H1B visas galore to upper caste Indians who'll immigrate to America & bring that caste

with them. Kiss your STEM jobs goodbye. Those of you who went into computer security to make a six figure income, I hope you saved your coins, be prepared to be replaced.
(3) Stimulus checks are not coming. Biden will institute a federal mask mandate doubling as a means to
(3) Stimulus checks are not coming. Biden will institute a federal mask mandate doubling as a means to
get protestors off the street.
(4) Any racial uprising in America will have Kamala to snuff it out
(5) Everytime Biden pisses off Black America Kamala will pop up to run interference (Barack did the same thing with Michelle everytime he made nakers angry).
(6) Angela Rye ain't
(4) Any racial uprising in America will have Kamala to snuff it out
(5) Everytime Biden pisses off Black America Kamala will pop up to run interference (Barack did the same thing with Michelle everytime he made nakers angry).
(6) Angela Rye ain't
neva getting a hookup despite all her tap dancing for a Black woman VP.
(7) Stacey Abrahams will be somewhere in Georgia wondering why she still hasn't gotten the call
(8) Pete Buttigieg will be elevated to position him for a future presidential run
(9) ADOS will lose
(7) Stacey Abrahams will be somewhere in Georgia wondering why she still hasn't gotten the call
(8) Pete Buttigieg will be elevated to position him for a future presidential run

(9) ADOS will lose
even more wealth
(10) Biden will reward Latinos out in AZ & NV for coming through but completely ignore Black America for voting at 87% for him vs 60% for Latinos/Hispanic nationally.
(10) Biden will reward Latinos out in AZ & NV for coming through but completely ignore Black America for voting at 87% for him vs 60% for Latinos/Hispanic nationally.
(11) A lot of ADOS families are going to have serious beef when they realize voting for Biden/Harris is not an economic policy and everyone is broke.
(13) Somehow there's going to be a Negroe purge across all industries. Latinos have to now be understood, right? Expect media contracts in Hollywood & MSM to go to them. Joy-Reid will probably start repping her Latino (Guyana) heritage even tho that's a stretch LOOL.
(14) Let's throw a crime bill in there

(16) The definition of misogynoir will be stretched beyond its breaking point with Kamala and these idiot Black blue checks who'll render the term and it's intended definition moot.
(17) Should number one come to fruition Kamala will be a tyrant in the white house. Not because she's a woman but b/c she's Iyer Tamil Brahmin. Her elitist upbringing will shine through. Let us not forget