#BonfireNightFacts No. 1 - The 1605 plot was designed to kill the Protestant King James VI of and I of Scotland and England and replace him with a Catholic Queen
#BonfireNightFacts No. 2 - there were 14 conspiritors all together, but it was Warwickshire born Robert Catesby and not Guy Fawkes that headed the assassination attempt
#BonfireNightFact No. 3 - So what was Guy Fawkes' job it he wasn't in charge? To guard the 36 barrels of gunpowder that had been snuck into the basement beneath the House Of Lords
Yes. We effigise the bloody look out!
#BonfireNightFact No. 4 - St Peters School in York is the only place in the country that doesn't celebrate bonfire night, out of respect for their former Pupil, Guy Fawkes
#BonfireNightFacts No. 5 - Probably should have done this one as 4 - Guy Fawkes was given charge of the Gunpowder due to his 10 years military service fighting in the Spanish Netherlands during the failed supression of the Dutch Revolt and was considered their explosives expert
#BonfireNightFacts No. 6 - the 36 barrels of Gunpowder would have been enough to reduce the House of Lords to rubble
#BonfireNightFacts No. 7 - On the 26th of October, William Parker, 4th Baron of Monteagle, recieved an anon. letter warning him to stay away from the House of Lords on the night of the planned attack
#BonfireNightFacts No. 8 - Due to the tip off, the House of Lords was searched on the night of the 4th of November and Guy Fawkes was discovered in the basement with the 36 barrels of Gunpowder
#BonfireNightFacts No. 9 - When Guy Fawkes' arrest became known, most of the conspirators fled London, trying to enlist more help on their way and several of them made eventually made a stand against their persuer, the Sherif of Worcester, at Holbeche House
#BonfireNightFacts No. 10 - Catesby and several others were killed at the ensuing battle at Holbeche House against the Sherif and his men, and the survivors were arrested.
#BonfireNightFacts No. 11 - Their trial was held on the 27th of January 1606, where eight of the survivors, including Guy Fawkes (who had spent the previous few months chilling in the Tower of London) were sentenced to be Hanged, Drawn and Quartered
#BonfireNightFacts No. 12 - When standing on the gallows waiting to be Hanged, Guy Fawkes decided a quick death would be better than his upcoming justice and jumped off the platform breaking his neck and dying instantly
#BonfireNightFacts No. 13 - King James I then declared that the 5th of November will always be celebrated as the day the Gunpowder Plot didn't happen, and 415 years later, we still do (though due to the pandemic, 2020 means no public fireworks displays this year)
#BonfireNightFacts No. 14 - though it's still disputed how much he actually knew, the Priciple Jesuit of England, Harry Garnet, was also convicted of treason and sentanced to death due to his alleged knowledge of the plot, though because any information he did recieved was...
... gained during Confession, he was prevented from informing the authorities of what the penitent disclosed due to the seal of confession providing absolute confidentiality
#BonfireNightFacts No. 15 - In 1843, the House Of Lords (and it's basement) was severely damaged by fire. Later in the century, the House of Lords was completely rebuilt down to the foundations, the infamous cellar destroyed.
#BonfireNightFacts No 16 - To this day, the Yeomen of the Guards still search the Houses of Parliment before the opening of the state each November when the Monarch visits. Though purely a ceremonial tradition these days, the search is undertaken with lanterns rather than torches
Can't finish on 16, so..

#BonfireNightFacts No. 17 - The consirators were:
. Robert Catesby
. Guy Fawkes
. John and Christopher Wright
. Robert and Thomas Wintour
. Thomas Percy
. Robert Keyes
. Thomas Bates
. John Grant
. Ambrose Rookwood
. Sir Everard Digby
. Francis Tresham
#BonfireNightFacts No. 18 - Soon after the plots discovery a surge of Anti-Catholic legislation was introduced, though a number of loyal and important Catholics continued to hold high raking positions throughout King James I's reign.
#BonfireNightFacts No. 19 - Though today the tradition has evolved into the Bonfire Night celebrations we all know and love, in the early years it would have been celebrated with a series of public events such as special religious sermons and bell ringing
Last one, and this ones new to me

#BonfireNightFacts No. 20 - In Januray 1606 during the first sitting of parliment since the failed plot took place, the 'Observance of 5th November Act 1606' was actually passed and the act remained in force until 1859!
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