Declare war against Mitch McConnell

The pandemic

The economy


Gun safety

Election / voting security





Kentucky's bad choice should not obstruct all progress

We need a 24/7 - 365 days a year plan to destroy McConnell
One Senator from Kentucky has caused all progress to stop

It's wrong!

Enough! @SenateMajLdr McConnell won't let the Senate vote on:

Protecting Health Care
Fund the USPS
Election Security
The Violence Against Women Act
Gun Safety
It's time for the @wolfblitzer's and white male dominated press to get off the back of Speaker Pelosi who works for the people and start spending 24 / 7 doing their jobs informing the public about the corrupt, evil son of a bitch Mitch McConnell
Mitch McConnell wants to hand Biden and Democrats a country in despair and then do everything he can to obstruct attempts to make life better for all Americans.

McConnell is an evil son of a bitch.

Needle the press. McConnell has broken our government & will continue
Stop thinking Kentucky will ever vote Mitch out. They make bad choices

We have options

Facts & law = prison for Mitch

Corporations, the people, the press torment his ass 24 / 7 and make life miserable for him the same way he's made life miserable for the entire country
Stop blaming Democrats w we need a better candidate

No, the problem is voters in places like Kentucky

We have watched Republicans destroy the Clintons, go after the Obamas & Bidens who are good people

But corrupt Mitch & his wife? We need a scorched Earth :taken em down" plan
Tim Nolan was a judge.

Tim Nolan was a Trump / Republican activist.

Tim Nolan ran with the Mitch McConnell crowd.

Tim Nolan was a human trafficker.

Nolan with @senatemajldr

24 / 7

365 days a year

Destroy Mitch McConnell
Kentucky teachers voted out Matt Bevin because he's a little weirdo & liar

Then? Then he pardoned a rapist serving a life sentence for raping his 6-year-old stepdaughter multiple times

McConnell & his wife, right in the middle of Bevin and corruption
The Army knew Mitch McConnell was no good after 37 days & his ass was booted

Yet, the entire country has let Mitch McConnell hold us hostage for years

Declare War! 24 / 7 365 days a year

Destroy Mitch McConnell
Elaine Chao & scandal after scandal.
Abusing her position to boost her family’s business in China. Maintaining her shares in a construction materials company, more than a year after she pledged to sell them


24 / 7

355 days a year

If "her emails" can be front page news
I don't get it

Democrats & our new never Trump buddies need to pull a GOP

Investigate, smear, accuse, flood the media 24 / 7 with the facts about the bottomless corruption of Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao

Don't let up.

"Her emails" ... wasn't corrupt or a scandal

Mitch McConnell wants to hand Biden and Democrats a country in despair and then do everything he can to obstruct attempts to make life better for all Americans.

McConnell is an evil son of a bitch.

McConnell has broken our government & will continue

Destroy Mitch McConnell
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