On his main issue, Trump actually lost ground *among his own party*, setting aside the backlash it's caused among Democrats. Nativists' arguments failed spectacularly, far more than I could have expected these past 4 years https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2018/06/28/shifting-public-views-on-legal-immigration-into-the-u-s/
Remember when hating refugees was a main campaign platform for Trump in 2016. He's had 4 years to sell it, and it's failed big time! https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/11/12/americans-immigration-policy-priorities-divisions-between-and-within-the-two-parties/
They are stealing jobs? They are killing Americans? Pluralities or majorities of Republicans didn't buy it even at the height of this guy's presidency. A total whiff by NumbersUSA-CIS-FAIR & Trump https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2018/06/28/shifting-public-views-on-legal-immigration-into-the-u-s/
Deporting Dreamers? Nah. Ending chain migration? Eh, not feeling it. Difficult to generate much enthusiasm when your own party thinks your main policy goals are duds https://news.gallup.com/poll/235775/americans-oppose-border-walls-favor-dealing-daca.aspx
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