Against the backdrop of chaos, lies, deceit and moral relativism, I'm hopeful there remains people who will to disobey, in the name of objective truth & reason

My latest piece calls upon the best in all of you

Resistance is NOT futile
It's necessary

2/ like most of my work recently, the thought police will probably censor it, but I no longer care.

I will continue to write, to speak and to resist.
I know I have brothers and sisters out there who will die on this hill with me.
3/ From the beginning of time we’ve had people who were willing to think for themselves, and people who were too lazy and instead opted to let someone else do the thinking.

The sheeple are a given, but the men & women of the mind are the exception that drive us forward
4/ In this piece I dig into the essence of morality by defining Natural Authority and Law, VS fiat authority and law.

Natural authority is earned through competence and experience, is discovered via the observation of reality, and emerges through millions of years of evolution.
5/ Fiat authority is awarded by need, by relation, through lobbying, politics, popularity contests or by some other means devoid of merit and competence.

Created on a whim, with no basis in reality & complete disregard to the wisdom of nature and it’s evolutionary emergence.
6/ This is where the core of the fight for reality lies

Objective a-priori truths from which we can build a functional world together.


A nothing-is-real, morally subjective existence in which popularity contests and opinion define reality & nothing actually matters
7/ I explore competence and how hierarchies of competence evolved in line with natural law and natural authority.

It’s through these emergent “hierarchies of competence” that humans were able to invent and contruct more complex, stable and functional societies.
8/ We'll look at how the cornerstones of humanity's progress to date are:

- the development of hierarchies of competence
- earned authority, and
- the observance of natural laws like Private Property, Speech and Defence.
9/ Whilst in today’s society (accelerated since the rise of the no-skin-in-the-game democratic republic), authority is no longer rational, natural or functional, but it most often occurs by fiat.
10/ "In the face of tyranny, civil disobedience becomes a duty" h/t @HegKong:

This has never been more true.

It’s a virtue and an absolute necessity to speak up & remain steadfast in the protection of the truth, especially when it’s under attack.
11/ A lack of courage is the real pandemic. Truth is the first victim, followed by you & I.

The real heroes have & always will be those who speak up when everyone else decides to conform, because they can see the injustices but muster the courage to say something about it.
12/ As @AI_Solzhenitsyn said:

"The simple step of a courageous individual is not to partake in the lie"
13/ They’ll use the “it was for your safety” card whilst they force you to stay inside, eat junk, isolate yourself from friends and family, take an untested vaccine, remain in a state of fear, not get any sun and not get any exercise because they apparently care.
14/ Soon enough, they’ll label you as insane for disagreeing and lock you up for daring to speak your mind or choosing to make your own decisions based on your own immune system & level of health.
16/ This is what the great George Orwell warned us of when he described “double speak” in 1984.

Only the words in 2020 are slightly different:

- Intelligence is Sociopathy
- Critical Thinking is Terrorism
- Asymptomatic is Symptomatic
17/ When this whole shitstorm subsides and when sanity finds it way back (which it will) remember this:

The bureaucrats, academics and officials will try and tell you it “wasn’t their fault”, and that they had the “public’s best interests at heart”.

DO NOT Buy it.
18/ They do not have any of your best interests at hear.

Whilst you’re at home, confused by false hysteria, or unable to run your own business, or going broke because you don’t have work, these maniacs are doing their best to convince you of a “New Normal”.
19/ All they care about is themselves and how they can leech more wealth from those who work whilst distributing a small fraction to those who don’t, thereby making them more dependent (and supportive) of that very system (which gives them a reason to exist).
20/ The last thing they want you to realise is that you can exist without their institutions, because if you did, perhaps you might stop funding them and their constant lauding over you.

Part 2/2 coming soon.
I really hope you find value in this. I've done my best to lay out a complex topic like morality in a way that's digestible.

For the love sanity & truth, pass this to anyone you give a shit about & at worst I hope it seeds some doubt in their minds wrt to the sea of lies
Fin2/ I'm gonna tag a few people I respect, and couple others who I hope read this shit & wake the fuck up.

@saifedean @giacomozucco @michael_saylor @dergigi @Breedlove22 @TheCryptoconomy @NickSzabo4 @EricDJuly @TimJDillon

@RubinReport @chamath @joerogan @Timcast
Of course I need to tag these fine gentlemen too.
@gladstein @MartyBent (pod overdue man)
You can follow @AleksSvetski.
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