"There is no second wave."
"What we are seeing now is normal for this time of the year."
"Sweden did it right because they didn't go into full lockdown."
"People in Asia have a natural immunity against coronaviruses."
"Infection rates go up in winter and down in summer."
"The pandemic in the UK is over."
"The coronavirus isn't going to kill you. It really isn't."
"We are very close to reaching herd immunity."
"We have made tremendous progress."
"The rate of new infections had peaked before the imposition of the lockdown in March."
"It will be over by Christmas."
"There is no science to suggest a second wave should happen."
"South Dakota is the Sweden of the USA."
"Cases in Belgium already started to drop before the national lockdown on 2 Nov."

[Narrator: Belgium closed all bars and restaurants on 19 October and introduced a curfew between midnight and 5 am]
"Each part of the world offers a control in the lockdown experiment. To justify the lockdowns, those places wouldn't just have to lag behind this or that neighbour; they'd have to stick out like sore thumbs."
"Infections are going down, not up."
30 June 2020.

Fauci: "I would not be surprised if we go up to 100,000 a day if this does not turn around, and so I am very concerned."

Trump: "He's a little bit of an alarmist."
"Lockdowns don't work."
"We should look at Sweden and learn from their experience."
"If Sweden succeeds, lockdowns will all have been for nothing."
"The peak of infections was two weeks before we locked down."
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