Solskjaer a thread.
Mr reactionary:
Ole played off vibes and he manages off vibes. That's why Fergie always threw him on for the last 10, to react to whatever was happening in that moment and never trusted him to start games consistently.
And now he's the same as a manager...
When Fergie started him and put a game plan around him, he quite often did absolutely nothing. He was a reactionary player and hes a reactionary manager.Hence why he did so well initially when he came in as a temp manager.
But now he's tasked with creating a game plan with a long term ideal, he just can't, because he's too reactionary, with his team selection, his subs, his transfers, his press conferences.
Just see the games where we've excelled. Counter attack is reactionary, playing off the cuff and responding to what the opposition does. But when you have to put a game plan out to dominant from whistle one, we falter.
Examples this season are

Newcastle win. Reactionary second half.
Leipzig win. As above.
Psg win. Counter attacking reactionary football.

If all of these matches the opposition took their chances they would've been out of sight before he had the opportunity to react.
I.e. Spurs
Defensively we are also very reactionary. Even when we seem to defend well, it's all very desperate and last ditch.
Almost every goal we have scored this season has either been a brief moment of brilliance or from a reactionary counter attack. Never from sustained pressure.
Ask yourself why Ole was one of the managers that actually wanted to keep the 5 substitutes. More subs, more opportunity to react.
To conclude:

Ole as a manager will always win football matches. But you'll never win trophies.
As did Ole the player, who always scored goals. But never nailed down a position.
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