It has been reported that @Drbaselalsabah may implement a partial curfew/lockdown again if the numbers keep rising like they’re doing. This would be a huge mistake economically.
During the first lockdown the government didn’t fully predict the detriment to the economy and to the service industry to be exact. There was no clear support for the private sector, the SME’s to be precise.
This caused a domino effect, with no income, companies were forced to lay off employees, or implement “No Work, No Pay” and people were left scrambling because they had no where to go and no means to support themselves.
With the lockdown zones, in my opinion the government created ‘Hot Zones’ where numbers were “rising” but the economy was falling. People were unable to make money, which lead to them unable to purchase their basic needs.
Landlords were unkind during the lockdown period, choosing to shut down water, AC, electricity and even evict some. Where are people supposed to go when this happens? The MOI was understaffed and overworked, the MOH was the same.
Where did all of that get us though? Lower numbers? That didn’t last long because people are bound to socialize. Implementation of a lockdown will do nothing without educating the public about the virus. Because we’re just going to keep going in this circle and numbers will keep-
Fluctuating because people aren’t understanding it and because most locals were being paid full salaries sitting in their homes during lockdown, while low income workers and service industry providers were praying for some form of salary.
Implementation of another lockdown, will do nothing but further harm our economy if there isn’t a proper plan from the government, the MOC and the Central Bank to support the local businesses that will suffer greatly.
This is a personal opinion that I’ve formed after the long months we spent providing families and Individuals with Food Support, and Rent Support etc. I recommend for everyone to volunteer during these times to truly grasp what low income workers go through during lockdowns.
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