We have a bad flu season every 5 Years.

The last one was 2014-2015.

We're timed for a bad flu season to hit this year.

*On top of the pandemic virus.*

That's how serious our situation is. You should be angry we are not locked down in a serious way.
Flu season summaries (Ontario): scroll all the way down to the bottom "Seasonal Summaries".

You can follow influenza activity and latest case numbers with the Ontario Respiratory Pathology Bulletin. Weekly November-April.

First report is this Friday.

But this was the last assessment: flu season is only starting to trickle. It usually doesn't ramp up until December.
(Aside: I LOVE the people who put these reports together. Every Friday I was breathing down their necks! 😬Bet the same crew from 5 years ago does it today)

2014/15 was so serious with hospitalizations I facilitated a technical briefing call for all media with experts and CMOH.
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