— SEVENTEEN as hogwarts students: a thread

(based it on their personalities also they're wearing their house robes now, enjoy ^^ ) #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
Scoups — Gryffindor 🦁
Scoups reminds me of Ron Weasley sometimes. Both of them have their own fears but somehow overcame them. Their bravery comes out when their loved ones are in trouble. Youll see how angry and protective they can be.
Just like in gose ep27(tag), when S.coups took on the murderers so DK can run, he showed his Gryffindor side in that one.
Jeonghan — Slytherin 🐍
His resourcefulness is a Slytherin. Remember in OFD in Japan when he outsmarted the other team in games and even amazed the PDs when he gave an idea (so fast at that) on how to make a table out of snow without breaking a sweat.
And we know Jeonghan's cunning way of thinking is what makes him the Jeonghan you don't want to mess with.
Joshua — Slytherin 🐍
With his clever and resourceful rapping and acrostic poem skills belongs to Slytherin. A gentleman who loves Sunday mornings and has a cunning side shown in dingo mafia dance and especially when he's with jeonghan lol
Jun — Hufflepuff 🦨
Jun's easy going and cheerful personality makes him a Hufflepuff. He values hard work, dedication and loyalty as part of the performance unit and of seventeen
Hoshi — Ravenclaw 🦅
Hoshi is a ravenclaw, with his talent and genius he comes up with amazing choroes. He may not be a bookworm but he alone can read his choreo notebook. Astounding performances from svt is bcos of Hoshi always thinking outside the box.
Not to mention Hoshi being eccentric, his Horanghae never ending agenda that we love shows that.
Wonwoo — Ravenclaw 🦅
Wonwoo's love for learning new things makes him ravenclaw. This dreamer is also insightful and sensitive of other members' feelings.
Woozi — Ravenclaw 🦅
Woozi a music producer and song writer shows he is a Ravenclaw. His intelligence and knowledge comes out while writing svt songs. His sensitivity shown in the lyrics makes you wonder how deeply intuitive he is.
Dk — Hufflepuff 🦨
Dk is a hufflepuff bcos of his very friendly down to earth nature. He has the Newt Scamander vibe in him. He is honest, pure and patient with people. Makes you want to protect and love him more.
Sometimes makes me think fantastic beasts will love him and he will love them back equally
Mingyu — Hufflepuff 🦨
Mingyu reminds me Cedric Diggory who is visually stunning and good at everything. He is this social butterfly who values hard work and he values his air time, too. lol
The8 — Ravenclaw 🦅
We all know how he looks Ron Weasley but The8 belongs to ravenclaw bcos he is perceptive and wise. He somehow reminds me of luna though he is not as queer as luna.
The8 is insightful and sensitive of other members feelings. In knowing bros, jh was asked to rank the members by visuals and he stopped the mcs saying he will take the last spot, understanding that other members might get hurt if they were last.
Seungkwan — Gryffindor 🦁
Seungkwan reminds me of Hermione's intelligence and grit. Seungkwan have that qualities, too. He is that brave, quick witted friend that helps the other members. His daring personality makes him comfortable in any shows he is in.
Vernon — Hufflepuff 🦨
Vernon is a cool headed Hufflepuff. The peacemaker of seventeen. He is a patient, supportive and loyal member of svt.
Dino — Gryffindor 🦁
Dino belongs to Gryffindor because of his courage to face everyday being the maknae of svt. Though it is a good thing to have 12 hyungs, it must have been daunting during his trainee days but Dino with his brave spirit did well being the maknae.
Dino has resolve, passion and strength of character. His overflowing passion to be written in history as one the best boy groups makes him competitive and daring. That's why svt loves their courageous and sometimes savage maknae.
cr to 3jHighness owner of the pic ❤️ it gave me hogwarts vibes when i saw it, so i decided to edit svt and make this thread uwu ✨💗 https://twitter.com/3jHighness/status/1321461658179543040?s=19
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