Greetings loved ones, let’s take a journey.

Harry Potter characters question thread! Retweet for all Potterheads to see. Let’s have some fun!
1. Favorite HP character? You can choose any character.
Who is a better friend?
The Ravenclaw you like better?
Who is your favorite Weasley?
Who is more loyal to Harry?
Who do you hate more?
Dean or Seamus?
Who was more perfect for Ron?
Who would you have preferred Harry with?
Who was the better man?
Your favorite?
Who was a better father?
The Uncle or the Aunt?
Which professor did you like more?
Favorite Tri-wizard champion?
The better man?
Neville or Draco
Bellatrix or Voldermort
Better Commentator?
Perfect man for Lily?
Perfect woman for Bill?
Ginny or Hermione?
Who was more perfect for Hermione?
You can save only one, and why?
Favorite Couple?
Which was better?
And finally, a tweet to appreciate the twins. I can’t make you choose one of them 😭💔

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