This thread by Colin pretty much nails it. This is why I urge everyone NOT to try to combat wokery by surrendering power to authoritarians or settling for a government you don't otherwise like in the belief they can strongarm them. It won't work. This is a cultural movement. 1/
This ideology is based, for most of its adherents, on hatred & fear of the other, on tribalism, on obsession with sexual identity & race. Or if not originally based on that, it has degenerated into that. This is going to be a struggle for hearts & minds. 2/
It may be comforting to think that, if you vote the right people in, you can simply legislate such attitudes out of existence. You can't. You'll have to do the hard work of persuading, most of which will come from leading by example. 3/
Call out the egregious poppycock for the nonsense it is. Laugh at the emperor's hairy naked balls. Refuse to discriminate against anyone or judge anyone by their sex, race or sexuality. Treat people as individuals & don't let anyone else do otherwise. 4/
Can't do that because of the potential fallout at work or damage to your career? Support those of us who can. Pick those who seem sensible to you and whose message appeals & signal boost. Read their books, subscribe to their podcasts, give to their Patreons. 5/
Bottom line: this is a grass roots fight. It won't be won by crude top-down measures. And there is a huge risk ALWAYS in giving someone who doesn't represent most of your values the power to fight your battles for you. They don't have your best interests at heart. 6/
If you are hoping illiberal people will fight for you to preserve liberal values because you both oppose wokery, you are naive. Authoritarians want one thing only: power for themselves. And when they get it, their former allies are usually consumed in the conflagration, too. 7/
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