Wow, people were angry in the pub last night. In the whole year I've been doing this ethnography I never heard so much politics discussed, people calling for a working class revolution! It was like a Guy Fawkes meeting. I just seat back & listened.
Also me taking ethnographic notes.
One person ' they're all the fucking same, if they think I'm voting for someone with a fucking Sir in front of they can go and fuck themselves. Working fucking class, no kid from my estate ended up with a fucking Sir in front of their name'.
If you think that these statements are coming from left wing middle class Londoners you'll be very very wrong! This is why you should get out of the ivory towers & do a in-depth ethnography if you really want to know what people think.
'They fuck us over all the time. They take our jobs, our homes, they think we're stupid. But now they've taken our fucking pubs. Time to get these Eton cunts out now'. Said by a working class man who left school at 15 & unusual very unpolitical.
Also people still hate Tony Blair 🤷
Another person: ' they'll not going to reopen the pubs this year. They'll give a couple of days at Christmas to allow us to see our families and then they'll close everything down in January and blame us for the spike.'
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